Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recovery = three steps forward, one step back.

AJ was banging the wall, yelling "Bad wall. Stop it! You don't hurt my sister!" KJ bumped her head on the wall and AJ came to her support. We consider it a positive social development. He is engaging with his surroundings aware of his sisters' pain. He has had several positive developments in the last several days. He's been asking more complex questions, why questions, where questions. He stood on one foot after his bath, looking at the bottom of his other foot. He did it without thinking, without hesitation, and without the typical startle reflex he used to display with only one foot on the ground. I asked him to check his other foot and he did without a problem. Six months ago in Yoga class he was nervous bringing one foot off the ground. His social awareness seems to have lept forward, along with some of his physical coordination. However, he lost, hopefully temporarily, some other skills. He has had a few accidents this week, after being accident free for months. Skills come in bunches, but at least they are coming. His emotions are still unpredictable, but seem to be calming down.

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